Thursday, October 16, 2008

Photos from our new home

Pictures from our new home in Soroti with directors commentary (Vignir):

We bought another chicken the other day, no ordinary chicken, mind you! The chicken has taken to sitting on the windowsill outside our living room and stares incessantly into our lives. And no ordinary stare, not the mindless stare you'd expect from a chicken, no!, this is something much more dark and sinister. It is as if the chicken is the devil incarnate. I've decided to call him Beelzebird, Lucifowl or for you Icelanders: Djofuglinn. I'm not even sure if we dare to kill it when it comes to making a stew, do we dare kill the devil himself? Will we go to heaven or to hell? How would that work? I'm not sure we're willing to take the chance, I guess we'll just have to get used to that infernal chicken following our every move.

Here is our very live-in-able living room. The kitchen is still being constructed, but very nice, nonetheless.

The backporch, where I intend to sit and smoke my pipe and play my guitar.
The outside sink (of course!)
All the washing has to be done by hand, which is quite a daunting task.

Our dining room.
Bedroom and mosquito-net.

This badboy is ours! and it's called TVS Star. I found the name somewhat lacking masculinity wise so I've dubbed it DEATH STAR. Harps wasn't very fond of it and bought the not so masculine basket.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gaman að heyra frá ykkur krakkar! Endilega haldið áfram að vera dugleg að blogga.

ps. ekki myndi ég vilja hafa blóð djöfuglsins á höndum mér, mæli með því að þið finnið aðra leið til að koma honum fyrir kattarnef, múhahaha >:D