Monday, January 5, 2009

Holidays in Soroti

On thorlaksmessa we had some pork to uphoald some family traditions for Vignir. No offence mom, but it was the best ever!

Simon seemed to agree!

Our lovely christmas tree.

We decided to treat our Askari (nightwatchman) to a little christmas spirit and gave him a brand new bicycle for christmas. Poor Simon had previously been a victim of both Scrooge and the Grinch who collaborated in stealing his old bicycle.

Bring out the red wine and...

cheers everybody and merry christmas!

Given that the price per kilo of the duck was equal to a monthly salary here in Uganda, Harpa was a bit nervous in preparing it, and the funky smell did no favours either. Turned out that the smell came from the packaging, not the content. And the duck was so delicious that we savoured it for an eternety and didn't even think about the presents.

Instead we had some homemade Icecream (made by yours truly). I was not stingy with the vanilla drops, which apparantly gives a sour taste... But time for presents.
I decided that it was time that Harpa made the move from amateur photographer into the pros and gave her this vintage Canon film camera and a black and white film.

Harpa however decided that it was time for me to go native and bought me this special made local attire, with elaborate embroidery and all! As well as a local board game and a thumb piano!

On christmas day we went to a "jolabod" to Simon's place. He brought out a delicious meal for us and we brought soda's and beer. A truly heart warming experiance to be invited to his home for Christmas day.

They do however celebrate Christmas quite different than us Icelander, meaning getting pissed for the whole holidays. We of course joined in for some delicious local brew.

Which looks like this...yummy!

We ran home for our own special plate of goodies, not that the beer was that bad...

And perhaps the most special christmas gift of all: the gift of life. We now have 13 newborn chicken which are each cuter than the next. (Except for "Ljoti," who is the cutest of all.)

This is "Guli" for those who prefer the more traditional beuty.


Unknown said...

Þið höfðuð það greinilega gott um hátíðarnar. Gaman að sjá myndirnar. Vonandi hikarðu ekki við að sporta afríkugallanum einn góðan sumardag á klakanum.

Skilaðu kveðju til Ljóta.

Andri Valur said...

Gleðileg jól og nýtt ár og allt það! Fylgist með ykkur úr frostinu.
Megið skila kveðju til allra sem ég þekki.

Kv Andri Valur

Anonymous said...

I would have loved to join in on the pork dish. Congratulations for the courage to taste the local beer! Who manufactured the icecream?! Of course i expect a treat on my next visit to Soroti. Do you advice that i bring a western icecream machine along? Harpa, i am glad that we shall finally get some really good photos. Cheers! Pamela

Anonymous said...

Gleðilega hátíð elskurnar mínar, ég fylgist með ykkur hérna í fjarlægð. Sakna ykkar geðveikt mikið og get ekki beðið eftir að fá ykkur heim....luv

Anonymous said...

Gledilegt ar snullur !!