Saturday, June 13, 2009

Burundi & Tanzania

Nu erum vid stodd i Tanzaniu, nykomin fra Burundi.

Skemmst er fra thvi ad segja ad Burundi er stormerkilegt land. Vid eyddum nokkrum dogum i hofudborginni sem liggur vid snjohvita ferskvatnsstrond. Skitt med pakkaferdir til Costa del Sol, Bujumbura er stadurinn!

Vid landamaerin hofdum vid bara fengid leyfi til ad vera i landinu i thrja daga og forum vid thvi til innflytjendayfirvalda til ad fa ad vera lengur og their sogdu okkur bara ad setja inn umsokn og koma svo eftir helgi og fa stimpilinn. Thegar vid svo komum eftir rolega helgi i hofudborginni konnudust their ekkert vid thetta og sogdu ad thad vaeri omogulegt ad fa Visa thann daginn og vid gaetum kannski fengid daginn eftir, takid eftir ordinu kannski. Their aetludu semse ad lata okkur hanga tharna i hofudborginni og bida i von og ovon um ad komast yfirleitt ur landinu!

En Harpa let vitaskuld ekki segja ser slika vitleysu og spurdi "are you forcing us to stay in this country?" Tha leist nu skrifstofublokinni ekkert a islenska skapsmuni og sagdi eg gef ykkur fimm daga og ekkert mal.

Vid forum thvi og skodudum restina af landinu sem er geysifallegt. Thar matti sja uppsprettu Nilarfljotsins, sem var nu bysna fabrotin midad vid Ugandisku uppsprettuna (thaer eru vist fleiri en ein) og svo villtumst vid i einhverju fjalllendi thar sem vegir voru lagdir i 85% thverhniptar fjallshlidar, litlu matti muna ad skellinadran okkar hefdi thad ekki.

I gaer keyrdum vid yfir ein landamaeri og allt breyttist, vid vorum komin til Tanzaniu. I fyrsta lagi thurfti eg ad skipta um vegarhelming, sem tekst naestum aldrei fyllilega fyrr en a thridja degi. Svo ma nefna ad Burundi og Rwanda eru einhver thettbylustu lond i Afriku, pinulitil frimerki stoppud af folki og raektudu landi. En Tanzania er hinsvegar taeplega milljon ferkilometrar og adeins um 36 manns a ferkilometra. Vid keyrum her a rennislettu malbiki halfan daginn an thess ad sja einn einasta bae, einhverjar orfaar hraedur sem gud ma vita hvad eru ad gera a midjum thjodvegi fotggangandi, en svona er vist Afrika.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Sorry for not updating the blog, but we've been busy finishing our stay in Soroti. Long story short: we've said our goodbyes and left our home for the last eight months. All the people we met there will be dearly missed, but we hope someday to go back.

But each end is a new beginning (or something profound in that line) we're now well on our way in our epic journey through east africa. We've driven on our "motorcycle" all the way from Soroti to Kampala and then down to Kabale (still in Uganda) where we spent some time in Lake Bunyoni, which is one of the most beutiful places on earth, or so we thought...

The next day we set for the border of Rwanda. Even though Swedes, Germans, Brits and Americans can stroll through without paying as much as a dime, we had to apply well in advance (which we didn't) and cough up 60 bucks each. After some negotiating the border people were kind enough to let us through, then we had to process endless piles of documents to get our "motorcycle" through. We had even been kind enough to remove all our plastic bags in advance, since they are appearantly illeagal in Rwanda. Everything worked out and we were on our way to the "land of a thousand hills."

Rwanda is truly spectacular, the landscape is without compare... The people seem nice, the roads and infrastructure is extremely organised. Even the boda-bodas (motorcycle taxis) are obliged to wear labeled outfits and have to provide the passangers with helmets!

A bit expensive though... We spent some days in Kigali, the capital, but now we are in Kibuye, which is extremely beutifully positioned next to a grand lake.

In contrast with this country's beauty is it's horrific history, which is well documented in the numerous memorials spread out the country. So far we've visited three and seen skulls in the thousands, heards stories that shook us to the bones, and still there are more to go... in fact we are going to visit a memorial as soon as I complete this blog.

Next stop is Burundi!!!!