From our trip to Mbale, which is a big city 100 km away from Soroti. We went there to get our visa extended, but the immigration officer was nowhere to be seen. A whole day wasted, but at least we got some Indian food. And we bought an enormous beef fillet (more on that later).
Harpa is unbelivable excited about growing our own crops like the locals, mostly spices and foreign stuff. But first we have to cultivate the land. Our next door neighbours were so surprised to see a white man doing this kind of labour, that they stopped whatever they were doing just to see the Mzungu work!
We are teaching the teachers how to use a computer in Lalle (even though there is no electricity there.) This can be quite challenging given the fact that most of them have never used a computer before.
Here you can see the pizza mentioned in the previous post.
We brought some water colors for art class the other day, the kids were ecstatic. We only had three sets so they just piled up on top of each other to see what was going on.
The next generation of Ugandan artists.
We brought some water colors for art class the other day, the kids were ecstatic. We only had three sets so they just piled up on top of each other to see what was going on.
The next generation of Ugandan artists.
There is an album by the age old post-punk band Wire (a personal favourite) which is called "Chairs Missing" Now we know why.
Harpa preparing for class.
The classrooms in Lalle can be quite crowded, some 130 kids in one class is not uncommon.
The power has been out in Soroti town for almost a week, which was pretty bad considering that we just bought an enourmous slab of beef in Mbale, to be saved for a special occasion. We had been trying to save it until the power came back, but were eating all the meat we could. Spaghetti bolognese for breakfast, hamburgers for lunch, an then when dinner time came there was no other option than bringing out the barbeque. We used literally everything we had in the fridge 2 kilos of meat, enourmous amounts of cheese, cream potatoes, vegetables, and it was delicious. But as fate would have it, the power came back on when we had just started eating.
Hallo Harpa og Vignir..rábært að sjá ykkur og lesa um ykkur þarna í Soroti. Hér erallt í mínus...passið evrurnar ykkar..ísar er hér og Sog P koma í kvöld vid hringjum á morgun bæ
Hellohello:) So great to read about you here, it looks like an amazing experience! All is well in Brussels - and Charlie sends love. Keep writing, we're reading!! Mariaxx PS can we send you stuff? Anything you want or need?
Hei Harpa ! Ertu með bjór þarna fyrir ofan ?
Já og Vignir, ég vil sjá þig með yfirvaraskegg sem fyrst.
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